Hey there! We are so glad you stumbled across our page! We are an imperfect group of Jesus followers working to bring hope to an oft-forgotten area of our community!
The Lord stirred our hearts to begin the process of planting a church in the inner city of Duluth Minnesota, known as the Central Hillside, in 2019. At the time, my wife, Andrea, and I were serving at a Converge church in Superior, Wisconsin called Bayside Baptist Church. We loved our church home and it was a struggle to consider leaving. As the Lord continued to lead us in this direction, we knew our season at Bayside was complete. Through much prayer, council, and support from our church family, we transitioned to church planting in November of 2017. God has taken us on a journey since that time and Hope City Church was planted in 2019!
The Central Hillside is a unique, diverse, inner-city area that is mostly void of active, community-focused evangelical churches. There are approximately 20,000 people living in this 2x1 mile rectangle right on the Hill of Duluth. It is the center of government, tourism, big business, as well as ridden with poverty, addiction, and crime. We are excited to bring the hope of Jesus to this oft-forgotten area of our community!
-Mark Pavola, Pastor of Hope City Church
Our Essentials
What Makes up Life Here at Hope City!
Our Heart
We are an imperfect group of Jesus-Followers seeking to bring hope to an oft-forgotten area of our community - the Central Hillside of Duluth.
Vibrant Worship
We will vibrantly worship together to glorify God by exalting Jesus, praising Him in Spirit and in truth.
John 4:23-24
We are fully aware of our desperate need for more of God and His Spirit in our lives. We will seek Him both together and individually in prayer.
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Small Groups
We all need a small group of people who we love and who love us. We will experience life with others who are both similar and different than us!
1 Corinthians 16:19
We will intentionally care for and invest in children who are some of the most vulnerable and in need of love. We must become "fathers and mothers to the fatherless" all around us.
Psalm 68:5
Making Disciples
We embrace Christ's great mission to raise up followers of Jesus who then join us in that mission.
John 8: 31-32
We strive to continually meet the needs of our community by meeting people where they are at. As followers of Jesus we are called to share the love of Christ with all.